Meditate with Me

Trusting the journey.

It has taken me a long time to find the balance between doing and being…To find the joy in the time between my desire and the outcome, the rebirth and the becoming… Between creating what I want and patiently awaiting its manifestation. 

That time in between - the void - used to trigger my impatience. My monkey mind would start talking and I would be left feeling so uncomfortable that I had no choice but to dive into ‘doing’ some more. 

But I also learned that everything we DO or WANT is because of how we think it is going to make us FEEL. And the fastest way to manifesting is to allow ourselves to feel that way NOW. So when I got present to what I really wanted to feel (Peace, Happiness,  Love… anyone else?) the void very quickly became my friend. It became my playing ground for finding access and creating feelings and emotions NOW and then awaiting patiently as it manifests in good time, all for my highest evolution. 

That is why trusting the journey is an imperative part of manifestation. And I want to support you as you trust yours.

With love, always,


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